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 Shama Zeynep Anaydin  


Body Psychotherapist,RTC,SEP

Shama is a Somatic Therapist and Therapeutic counsellor with more than 15 years of experience in body-centred therapies. Her work especially targets depression, anxiety, stress-related conditions, grief  as well as developmental and shock trauma. 


 Her focus is to help her clients build a healthier emotional, physical and psychological foundation that facilitates the development of new neurological pathways in their nervous system. This can make a great difference in their lives where they feel blocked or are searching for support to move in a different direction with the possibility of transformation. Through her many years of training, practising and synthesizing eastern and western therapeutic modalities which complement each other in her work, she ultimately created her special way of working with clients. 


 Shama also specializes in devising custom made session programs for her clients. Every nervous system is different, and every client should be approached uniquely, according to their distinctive needs. In her sessions, she combines Somatic Experiencing® techniques, Somatic touch, Bioenergetics, Bodynamic- developmental psychology, Breathwork, EFT and Meditation techniques for healthful integration and wellness of being.



  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Training 

  • Bodynamic-Developmental Trauma Foundation Training  

  • Somatic Practice Advanced Touch Skills 

  • Brain-spotting Module 1& Advance 

  • Relational Trauma Therapy-Including and Awakening Hypo Response 

  • Therapeutic Counsellor training - Clearmind International Institute. 

  • Hypnotherapy Training 

  • Diamond Breath Master Training 

  • Sexual Awareness Counsellor Training 

  • Relationship Counsellor Training 

  • Eft Emotional Freedom Techniques 

  • Reichen Body Types / Character Structure Analysis 

  • Meditative Therapies

  • Reiki 

  • Bodynamic Developmental Psychology Practitioner Training ( 4th year) 

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